
The enduring power of trust

Dec 8, 2020

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about the power of trust. 

As we navigate our COVID-present world, client leadership and relationship cultivation have taken on a new shape and complexion.  For those of us in the client relationship business, the disappearance of in-person, face-to-face connections has been like a gut punch.  Pre-COVID, we thrived on this, our businesses depended on this, and the hole that remains is a big one. 

Those of us who choose to work in marketing are expert at pivoting and embracing change.  So, when COVID hit, we did what we always do – we made it work.  We found new, impactful ways to connect with our clients.  We identified fresh strategies to amplify team collaboration and creativity.  And we’ve been resolute in our constant pursuit to deliver stellar results for our clients. 

Yet while we’ve been busy embracing change, one thing has not wavered in our client relationships:  the power of trust. 

Acclaimed business development coach Brian Tracy called trust “the fundamental glue that holds any relationship together.”  Truer words have never been spoken.   As we push forward into 2021, reminding ourselves of the power of trust, and the importance of continually earning our clients’ trust, has never been more important.  

It’s quite simple, really.  Do the right thing.  Be transparent.  Fulfill your commitments.  Show up, even when not asked to.  Deliver at a high level.   Always put the clients’ needs in the forefront.  

In business, as in life. 

Recently, social media has been reminding us that many precious things in our lives haven’t been cancelled because of COVID.  Love isn’t cancelled.  Hope isn’t cancelled.  Very true.  In business, the demand for bright thinking and creativity isn’t cancelled.  Relationship nurturing isn’t cancelled.  The requirement to deliver big for our clients isn’t cancelled.  And the power of trust absolutely isn’t cancelled.


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